I’m NEW TO CHURCH, and want to know…
Church might be unfamiliar to you so you may not know what to expect, and that is okay. This is what you can expect: singing, praying, and preaching.
We’re a new church, and have a small dedicated space for children 5 and under. We don’t currently have any other classes for older children, but children of all ages are welcome to join our main service.
All are welcome, regardless of appearance.
We believe that what matters most is your relationship with God. Feel free to wear what makes you comfortable, whether that’s your Sunday best or your favorite casual outfit.
No, we don’t single out new visitors. We want you to feel comfortable and at home.
To be a Christian is to:
Understand: God loves you, sin separates us, and Jesus died and rose for our sins.
Reflect and Repent: Acknowledge sin, turn to God, and believe in Jesus.
Accept Jesus: Confess Him as your Savior.
Grow: Read the Bible and pray.
Being a Christian is not about religion, but a relationship with Jesus.
I’m A CHRISTIAN, and want to know…
Restoration Church is not affiliated with a specific denomination because we believe the Bible is the final authority for our faith and practice. While we align with many teachings traditionally held by Baptists, we strive to follow the model of the New Testament church as an autonomous local body of believers. Our goal is to let Scripture guide everything we do and teach, rather than adhere to a particular denominational label.
Restoration Church uses the Christian Standard Bible (CSB) for its teaching, discipleship, and spiritual growth.
Restoration Church worships through hymns and contemporary music, uniting generations in praise and worship of our Savior.
While we don't live-stream, our services are recorded. We will post the latest sermon as soon as possible.
Not yet, but check back soon.
To become a member of Restoration Church, we ask that you meet three key steps:
1. Faith in Christ – You must have accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior.
2. Baptism – You must be baptized by immersion after coming to faith, as a public declaration of your commitment to Christ.
3. Foundation Class – Attend our Foundation class to learn more about our vision and mission. This ensures that you agree with and are committed to the direction of Restoration Church.